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What are Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Spend Your Emergency Fund?

by The Business Unlimited Team
4 minutes read
Spend Your Emergency Fund

Many individuals are likely acquainted with the fundamental principles of establishing an emergency fund – encompassing the who (everyone), what, why, where, and how much (sufficient to cover at least 3-6 months of expenses).

However, the quandary of when to actually utilize the funds saved in the emergency fund arises. In essence, what situations qualify as emergencies and which ones do not?

Common instances that may warrant tapping into the emergency fund include job loss, urgent medical procedures, a leaky roof, or significant car repairs.

To assist in making this determination, consider three pivotal questions that can guide you on whether it’s time to access your emergency fund.

Three questions to ask yourself before you spend your emergency fund: 

  • Is it unexpected?
  • Is it absolutely necessary?
  • Is it urgent?

1. Is It Unexpected?

Defining an emergency is subjective, and what feels urgent to one person may not be the same for another. For instance, forgetting to purchase a gift for a friend’s baby shower might seem like a crisis, but it’s essentially a lapse in planning.

On the other hand, situations like accidentally damaging your car door because you forgot to close it before backing out of the garage can be considered genuine emergencies. Such unexpected events require immediate attention, like getting the car repaired to maintain your daily routine.

Unforeseen expenses extend beyond car mishaps and can include job loss, urgent medical procedures, and significant home repairs such as flooding or a leaky roof. It’s crucial to differentiate between true emergencies and predictable, recurring expenses that should already be accounted for in your budget.

Establishing ground rules prevents the misuse of your emergency fund, ensuring it remains a financial safety net for genuine unforeseen circumstances. Without these guidelines, the temptation to dip into the emergency fund for non-urgent expenses may arise.

2. Is It Absolutely Necessary?

Navigating between wants and needs is crucial in managing your finances wisely. While the desire to upgrade your phone may be strong, it’s essential to distinguish between wants and needs. Using your emergency fund for non-essential expenses, like the latest phone, is not advisable.

Consider a scenario where you damaged your car door. Repairing it becomes a necessary expense because it directly affects your ability to commute to work. If you rely on your car for long-distance commuting, neglecting the repair would significantly disrupt your daily routine.

To determine if an expense is necessary, ask yourself whether addressing the situation is vital for your day-to-day activities to continue smoothly. Prioritizing essential expenses ensures financial stability and prevents unnecessary strain on your budget.

3. Is It Urgent?

If you find yourself in a situation necessitating prompt and immediate action, it often indicates an urgent scenario.

Examples such as – sudden job loss, substantial car repairs, and unexpected home maintenance easily pass the urgency test.

Moreover, exigent travel needs, like hastily booking a last-minute plane ticket to attend to an ailing parent or friend, can also be classified as emergencies. Responding swiftly to these circumstances becomes crucial in mitigating their impact.

What Is The Relationship Between An Emergency Fund And Credit/Loans?

An emergency fund and credit/loans have distinct roles in personal finance, but they are interconnected in terms of financial stability and preparedness.

Emergency Fund:

    • An emergency fund is a savings account set aside for unexpected expenses or financial emergencies.
    • Its primary purpose is to cover essential living expenses when faced with unforeseen circumstances such as medical expenses, car repairs, job loss, or other emergencies.
    • The ideal emergency fund typically covers three to six months’ worth of living expenses.


    • Credit refers to the ability to borrow money or access goods and services with the understanding that payment will be made at a later date.
    • Loans are specific amounts of money borrowed, usually with an agreed-upon repayment plan and interest.


  • Risk Mitigation: An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net, reducing the need to rely on credit or loans for unexpected expenses. It helps avoid accumulating debt in times of crisis.
  • Financial Security: Having both an emergency fund and good credit provides a solid foundation for financial security. In emergencies, the fund can be used first, and credit can serve as a backup if the fund is insufficient.
  • Credit Score: Maintaining a healthy emergency fund can indirectly contribute to a positive credit score. It demonstrates financial responsibility and reduces the likelihood of missed payments on credit obligations.
  • Avoiding High-Interest Debt: Relying solely on credit during emergencies may lead to high-interest debt. An emergency fund can help avoid such situations by providing a source of funds without incurring interest charges.

Emergency Fund FAQS

What is an emergency fund?

An emergency fund is a savings account specifically set aside to cover unexpected expenses or financial emergencies. It acts as a financial safety net to help you manage unforeseen circumstances without having to rely on credit cards or loans.

How much should I have in my emergency fund?

Financial experts typically recommend having three to six months’ worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. This amount can vary based on individual circumstances, such as income stability, job security, and the presence of dependents.

What qualifies as an emergency for using the fund?

Emergencies are situations that require immediate financial attention, such as medical expenses, car repairs, or sudden job loss. Non-urgent expenses like planned vacations or home renovations are generally not considered emergencies.

Where should I keep my emergency fund?

It’s advisable to keep your emergency fund in a separate savings account that is easily accessible. While it should be readily available in times of need, it’s also important to keep it separate from your regular spending account to avoid unintentional usage.

How do I start building an emergency fund?

Begin by setting a realistic savings goal based on your monthly expenses. Allocate a portion of your income specifically for the emergency fund and prioritize building it over time. Consistency is key, so make regular contributions to gradually reach your savings target.

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